Complicated Grief

The death of a love one constitutes an emotional shock, which can continue to impact survivors for years.  Typically, however, the most acute and debilitating symptoms of the grieving process will diminish gradually over a period of approximately six months to one year.

Telehealth And The Pandemic

If necessity is the mother of invention, the pandemic has dramatically challenged Canadian health care providers to alter their practices by both adapting and adding to the existing telehealth infrastructure and procedures. 

What damages can you claim for a slip and fall incident?

Did you know falling injuries are one of, if not the most, common types of injuries for Canadians? Some are bona fide accidents, but a very large percentage of slip and falls are caused due to some sort of failure on another party’s behalf.

Know your rights when you are buying insurance

In insurance, the fine print speaks the loudest. Pay attention to the fine print when you are purchasing an insurance policy and you can save yourself from surprises when it comes time to make a claim.

How social media can affect your personal injury claim

Social media has become virtually a second life for most people today. People’s joys, tragedies, accomplishments, failures and opinions that get posted online, all make up for a digital footprint that we cannot erase nor control fully.

Ask an Expert: Legal advice on what businesses can do to survive the crisis

Join legal experts and learn how to best respond to and manage the many challenges that threaten your business in these unprecedented times. About this Event Please join our panel of leading legal experts and learn how to best respond to and manage the many challenges that threaten your business daily in these unprecedented times. […]