Undocumented Immigrants A Dilemma For CBSA
Klaudios Mustakas – Senior Immigration Advisor: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is tasked with the protection of Canadian society. This sometimes involves telling people who shouldn’t be here that they have to leave. Unfortunately, removing people who are not entitled to be in Canada is not as easy as it sounds.
Canadian “Indefinite Suspension” Of Immigrants Is Unfair
Certified Immigration Consultant Marwa Badra: Indefinite detention in Canada is part of an upcoming TV show called Not Wanted In Canada. A taste:
Injured Temporary Foreign Worker Likely To Be Sent Home
Certified Immigration Consultant Marwa Badra: This is a sad story that won’t make your day, but it does bring up the interesting subject of temporary foreign workers and health care:
Skilled Worker Evaluations: You Pass. No Wait, You Fail
US and Canadian Immigration Lawyer Andy Semotiuk: An interesting piece from Adrian Humphreys that looks at the problem of deciding which credentials will help potential immigrants get into Canada as a skilled worker:
Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship Program Under Scrutiny
Klaudios Mustakas – Senior Immigration Advisor: This ruling with regard to parent/grandparent sponsorship was a long time in coming:
Proposed Changes To The Spousal Sponsorship System
US and Canadian Immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) recently announced open work permits for spouses of Canadian citizens and permanent residents seeking to remain in Canada. The announcement declared:
Labour Market Impact Assessment System Hurting Canadian Business
US and Canadian Immigration Lawyer Andy Semotiuk: Many years ago, in my western Canada days, I was involved in a company called Boston Coffee. We ran a coffee cart at the Hilton Hotel in Edmonton. We started winning over loyal customers, such as the visiting National Hockey League players staying at the hotel. They had convinced themselves that the reason they were beating our Edmonton Oilers was because they were buying our coffees. Lineups at our cart started forming. Things looked good.
US Should Open The Door To More H-1B Visas
US and Canadian Immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk: This piece in the Economic Times caught my eye:
Distracted Driving As Dangerous As Drunk Driving
In this article, the Ottawa Citizen asks the public to view distracted driving the same way as drunk driving: Across Canada, the cellphone has become the new beer bottle. Instead of being incapacitated by booze, drivers are immobilized by their mobile devices. In 2013 in B.C., distracted driving caused 77 of 269 road deaths. Speed contributed to […]
Chronic Pain: Interview With Lawyer Albert Conforzi
Do you need a lawyer for chronic pain following an injury in a car accident, slip and fall, or other event? Chronic pain injuries, such as injuries to soft tissues, can be difficult to detect by X-ray or MRI. This makes them hard to diagnose and treat, but also quite hard to litigate. Even the […]