Don’t Crash Into A Car Accident Deductible

Having a motor vehicle accident is traumatic enough. But if you decide to seek compensation from the at-fault driver, beware that you don’t have a second collision – with Ontario’s statutory deductible. In this province, you can claim a number of different kinds of compensation for a car accident, including pain and suffering, loss of […]

Insurance Companies Cutting Your Benefits Again

The benefits you will lose as of June 1, 2016 A couple of weeks ago I alerted readers to the coming changes to Ontario car insurance. The government of Ontario, in close collaboration with the insurance companies, has planned these changes for motorists. You may recall the letter you received asking you to collaborate on something that will greatly affect […]

Aylan Kurdi and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Toronto immigration lawyer Karen Kwan Anderson: The heartbreaking story of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi continues to make headlines. He died after the refugee boat his family was on capsized off the coast of Turkey.

New Stiff Penalties For Distracted Driving

It’s always been illegal to drive while distracted in Ontario. That is, if you take your eyes off the road while driving to look at the muffin in your lap or to adjust your child’s seatbelt, then you have broken the law. The fastest-growing category of distracted driving involves using mobile devices, like smartphones, to […]

Changes To The Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule Another Victory For Insurance Companies

Toronto personal injury lawyer Albert Coforzi: The current government of Ontario, following in a long tradition of governments of every political stripe bending over backwards for the benefit of the insurance company lobby, has signalled changes to what constitutes a “catastrophic impairment.” The changes come into effect on June 1, 2016. Among the more egregious […]

Man Dies While In Immigration Detention

Pace immigration senior advisor Klaudios Mustakas: Questions are being raised about the recent death of a Somali man who was in the custody of the Canada Border Service Agency and died while in immigration detention: