Canadian Immigration Numbers Need To Go Up
Toronto immigration lawyer Karen Kwan Anderson: A recent article in the Toronto Star talks about the declining number of immigrants who entered Canada in the past year:
Vaughan Tragedy Shows Stiffer Penalties Needed For Impaired Driving
In the wake of a tragic accident in Ontario this past Sunday that saw three children and a grandfather killed by a drunk driver, we find a woman in Nova Scotia being sentenced for driving drunk with her kids in the car: A Cole Harbour mother has been sentenced to nine months in jail for driving while […]
Doctor Fired For Not Changing Her Medical Opinion To WSIB’s Liking?
Toronto personal injury lawyer Albert Coforzi: An interesting case out of Hamilton, which throws some light on the behind-the-scenes workings of insurance companies and medical exams. Doctor’s Orders If a doctor examines you and says you’re sick or injured, it’s the medical expert’s opinion that counts, right? Perhaps not: A Hamilton-area physician is suing the Workplace Safety […]
Canada To Accept 10,000 Syrian Refugees By September 2016
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: At last the government of Canada has made a commitment to start processing Syrian and Iraqi refugees. This no doubt comes as a response to mounting international and domestic pressure for Canada to do something after initially dragging their feet on the issue:
Citizenship and Immigration Canada Need To Ensure Passport Security
Senior immigration advisor Klaudios Mustakas: Is there something wrong with the way new Canadian passports are being made? A report from the CBC says that there is:
How Are Personal Injury Damages Calculated?
When it comes to calculating personal injury damages, one size definitely doesn’t fit all. Just as we are all unique individuals, every personal injury case is different. When calculating damages, the lawyer has to take into account many variables, such as the plaintiff’s age, work history, financial situation, number of dependents, type of injury, recovery […]
Solving The European Refugee Crisis
US and Canadian Immigration Lawyer Andy Semotiuk: As the son of a post-World War II refugee, I have great sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of refugees currently crossing southern Europe into Germany.
What Are Your Rights At The Border?
In the past few years there have been a number of arrests at the border involving people with illicit images on their laptops and other electronic devices.
Canada’s Response To The Syrian Refugee Crisis Less Than Spectacular
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: After over a week of saying nothing about the Syrian refugee crisis, the Canadian government finally said that they are going to increase the number of refugees to be accepted into Canada:
An Example Of Contributory Negligence
You’re walking on someone else’s property. The floor is freshly mopped and slippery. You take a fall, breaking bones and causing serious back injuries. In order to sue the property owner, you have to prove they were negligent in some form. Perhaps they should have warned you that the floor was wet and slippery with […]