Changes To Dispute Resolution Take Effect Today

Effective today – April 1st any individual who wishes to dispute a denial by an insurance company for SAB (Statutory Accident Benefits) will now have to go through the Attorney General’s License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) and NOT the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). Other major changes include: Applications for mediation, neutral evaluation, or the appointment of an […]

Fairness Letter Response May Allow Family To Remain In Canada

Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: A Costa Rican university professor at York University must respond to a “fairness letter” after his family’s request for permanent residency was refused. The reason for the refusal was that the child has Down syndrome. The professor considers the refusal discriminatory:

How To Handle A Motor Vehicle Accident During March Break

Being involved in a car accident is never ideal, but with March Break around the corner it is smart to prepare for an accident that may happen abroad. When traveling to the U.S., you should know that the law of the state where the accident takes place applies. This means that even though you might […]