What Are Mergers And Acquisitions?

what are mergers and aquisitions

The term “mergers and acquisitions,” also known as M&A, refers to the merging of businesses or their essential business assets via business-to-business monetary operations.

The Canadian Mortgage Summit

Pace Law Firm is always looking to expand our business and elevate it to the next level. On Thursday November 24th, Pace Law Firm attended the Canadian Mortgage Summit (CMS) to hear from the industry’s top mortgage brokers, lenders and solution providers.

The National Day For Truth And Reconciliation

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation takes place on September 30th for the second consecutive year. Each year, September 30th marks both Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Getting Ready for Winter Conditions

As the winter months get closer, it is critical to plan ahead and take precautions as needed to reduce the likelihood of mishaps. Nearly 30% of all motor vehicle incidents, according to recent RCMP data, happened on slick, snowy, or icy roadways.

Bill 109: More Housing for Everyone Act, Ontario

Two weeks after the provincial administration submitted Bill 109, the More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022, on March 30, 2022, it obtained royal assent on April 14. The last step needed for a legislative measure to become law is royal assent.

Alterations to the CBCA Director Elections

In the event that a specific director nominee receives fewer than 50% of the total votes by shareholders in favour of that candidate, said candidate cannot be appointed as a director.