Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs
The following information is taken from the government’s website. Please contact me if you wish to take advantage of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot programs to immigrate to Canada.
Video: Trump’s Executive Orders On Immigration
In this interview, US and Canadian immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk discusses the fallout from President Trump’s executive orders on immigration. Topics include:
Sponsoring A Spouse Or Parent To Canada
Klaudios Mustakas – Senior Immigration Advisor: With the ongoing financial crisis in Greece, not to mention other crises around the world, I have received many inquiries about immigrating to Canada. My Greek contacts have asked me if there are any special considerations in place for Greeks to come to Canada.
Trump Executive Orders Cause Immigration Chaos
In this interview, immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk talks about the recent Trump executive orders on US immigration.
Pace Law Firm Wins Precedent-Setting Case – Appeal Court Upholds $3.17 Million Personal Injury Award
(TORONTO – JANUARY 25, 2017) – Pace Law Firm has won the appeal of the longstanding personal injury case of Jason Walters. Mr. Walters was beaten by a rival gang member while in custody at Toronto’s Don Jail in 2008. Following a long and drawn out litigation, the court had awarded $3.17M in damages at […]
Canada And DUI Convictions
We get this question from time to time, sometimes from a person who is very surprised to find out that tomorrow’s trip to the border isn’t going to go so well.
Understanding Ontario Auto Insurance
In Ontario, auto insurance is a regulated product. Every few years, the Ontario government reassesses auto insurance and mandates changes to the product offerings available to Ontario drivers. On June 1, 2016, the provincial government made major changes to standard benefits, but most Ontarians have no idea. The standard policy now automatically has the lower “after” benefit […]
Insurance Premiums Still High While Coverage Is Cut
Albert Conforzi It looks like the Ontario government has decided to get their annual insurance update out of the way rather quickly this year. As you may recall, four years ago the government promised Ontario motorists a 15% reduction in car insurance premiums by August, 2015. As your insurance bill can tell you, it hasn’t […]
Understanding Immigration Realities: Insights from Lawyer Andy Semotiuk on Canada’s Residency Rules and Beyond
In this interview with immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk, we take a look at some current news making headlines in Canada.
Catching Immigration Scammers
Klaudios MustakasKlaudios Mustakas – Senior Immigration Advisor: The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has taken drastic enforcement action in the past several months. They have deported a number of people for using fraud to pretend that they have met permanent residency or Canadian Citizenship requirements. Here’s an example from last month: