Express Entry To Canada – New Low Score Of 415 Points
The latest Express Entry draw has been announced. Invitations to apply for permanent residence have been extended to people with a record low score of 415 points.
Foreign Buyer Tax Coming To Ontario
A foreign buyer’s tax similar to that introduced in Vancouver last year will be coming to Ontario soon, as the government hopes to cool a red hot housing market. New rent control rules will also be put into effect. The Toronto Star reports:
Maintaining Permanent Residence Status In Canada
Klaudios Mustakas – Pace Law Firm: On my recent trip to Saudi Arabia, I had many questions from clients about maintaining permanent residence (PR) status if they chose to work outside of Canada.
The Psychology Of Driving
What kind of driver are you? You may think driving is a systematic task with little variation, but the truth is, our personality, life stresses, and various everyday factors tend to impact the way we behave on the road. To put it shortly, driving is based purely on behaviour. Perception, cognition, emotion, and social acumen […]
Permanent Residents: Know Your Numbers
Jim Metcalfe – Pace Immigration: Over the past few weeks, we have received several inquiries from individuals outside of Canada who have lived in Canada as permanent residents, filed for Canadian citizenship, and then left Canada while waiting for citizenship to come through. Many are now complaining to us that they have been waiting for as long as 6 years and have had no decision on their citizenship application.
Express Entry Changes – Language and Silblings
Luba Dinkova – Pace Immigration: The Canadian government has announced some upcoming changes to the Express Entry system.
H-1B Visa Holders Stuck In Limbo
In this video, Pace Immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk talks about the changes to the H-1B visa in the United States as it relates to doctors and IT professionals. Andy points out that one solution for people who are stuck in H-1B limbo: come to Canada. Watch the video or read the transcript below for more.
Immigration Phone Scams Back In The News
Immigration phone scams are back in the news, with crooks in Nova Scotia making phone calls and demanding money.
Quebec Immigrant Investor Program Re-Opens May 29, 2017
The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) will be re-opening on May 29, 2017. This program allows qualified investors to achieve permanent residency in Canada.
Trump Immigration Orders: Does Trump Have the Law On His Side?
US and Canadian Immigration Lawyer Andy Semotiuk: Chaos. So far, that is the only word that comes to mind in describing the Trump immigration efforts. Thousands of lives have been affected by his errant steps, but they have been protected by U.S. courts that have struck down his executive orders.