The road ahead: A look into driverless cars

With new laws recently passed to finally make a dent in the number of fatalities that result from distracted driving, the idea of passing the wheel to an automated machine in the not-so-distant-future seems more and more attractive.

Can we count on your vote for Canadian Lawyer Magazine’s Top 10 Personal Injury Firms?

Voting is now open for Canadian Lawyer Magazine’s 2019 Top 10 Personal Injury Firms. Voting ends on February 25th, 2019 and the Pace Law Firm is humbled to be again nominated for this recognition and honour. We would greatly appreciate your support and endorsement in the personal injury category. Time commitment: This anonymous survey takes ONLY 2 […]

Bringing Canada’s distracted driving laws into focus

Ontario is leading the way with Canada’s toughest distracted driving laws to date geared at finally impacting the never-ending cycle of deaths and injuries.   Bill 174 that was passed on December 12, 2017 went into effect on January 1, 2019 amending the Highway Traffic Act.  Within this Bill is the section related to penalties for interacting with […]

Top Five Attributes of Canada’s Start-Up VISA Program

The Start-Up Visa Program provides entrepreneurs with permanent residency and a connection to business partners. It enables immigrant entrepreneurs to launch innovative businesses that will create jobs in Canada and, eventually, to compete globally.

Religious Freedom Vs. Public Safety

This winter, Ontario will change the Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bill 194) to exempt Sikh motorcyclists from the requirement to wear a helmet in order to honour their civil rights and religious expression.