Report Card: Immigration Minister McCallum Gets An “A” So Far
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: The Liberal government has been in power for about four months and we are starting to see changes in the way immigration is handled in Canada.
Canadian Economy And Skilled Immigrants Held Back To The Tune Of $17 Billion
US and Canadian immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk: A stunning revelation that shows just how much skilled immigrants and the Canadian economy are being held back by bad immigration policy:
Immigration Officers Need To Use Their Discretion In Cases Before Forcing The Minister To Act
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: Another day, another case of the Immigration Minister having to step in and cut some red tape.
Immigration Scammers Caught. Now To Find The Co-Conspirators
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: In the past several weeks the Canadian press has carried stories of fraudulent activities by immigration consultants who have been helping people achieve bogus citizenship or permanent residence status.
Pace Law Firm Helps Change The Way Canadian Immigration Does Business
Pace Immigration Lawyer Karen Kwan Anderson: In July 2015, our client, Mr. D.C. Patel made Canadian immigration legal history with a precedent-setting case which has now helped change the way the system works. Mr. Patel’s case summarizes the Federal Court decision on email communication from immigration officers to applicants. The Toronto Star:
Canadian Immigration Changing For The Better
James Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: Canadian immigration has been in the press a lot lately. Since the Federal election in October there have been stories about:
Canadian Immigration Issues For 2016 – Interview With Jim Metcalfe
With a new Canadian government in place, there will likely be many changes in the way Canada immigration issues are handled going forward. In this interview, Pace Director of Immigration Jim Metcalfe gives his take on how immigration policy might be affected in 2016.
Spousal Sponsorship Delays Need Fixing Now
James Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: Spousal sponsorship application are known to be a huge source of delays, with some of the delays causing big problems. This case is no different.
Deadline For Syrian Refugees To Canada Moved To February, 2016
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: The goal posts have moved a bit on the timeline of bringing Syrian refugees to Canada. John McCallum, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Refugees, has announced that Canada will still take in at least 25,000 refugees. However, the December 31st, 2015, deadline is off the table:
Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds Application Leads To Permanent Residence
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: It is always interesting and a pleasure to meet with former clients who we have been able to assist in becoming permanent residents of Canada.. It’s great to see that they have made a significant contribution to life in Canada both for themselves and their friends and family.