Spousal Sponsorship Plan Looks Good, But More Details Required
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: The Canadian government has announced a plan to reduce the backlog of existing sponsor applications and speed up processing times for spousal sponsorship and family sponsorship cases. They have also said that they will increase the number of sponsored persons allowed into Canada:
Brain Injuries: The Invisible Epidemic
When it comes to this invisible injury, it turns out there are still a lot people who don’t realize the impact: 160,000 of us Canadians sustain one of these serious injuries every year. To put that into perspective, that’s about one Canadian every three minutes, so by the time you’ve finished reading this post another […]
Is The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Flawed?
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: I recently came across an interesting Federal Court decision that involves the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (Naeem Ullah, docket number 2016 FC 607). The case involved appellant Naeem Ullah, who successfully challenged the decision of a visa officer who refused his application for permanent residence in Canada.
Canada Will Scrap The Mexican Visa Requirement
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: One important announcement that came out of the “Three Amigos” summit between the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the US is that Canada will scrap the Mexican visa requirement. As of December 1, 2016, visitors from Mexico will no longer need a visa before coming to Canada.
Immigration Minister McCallum’s Speech At The Board Of Trade
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: I had the opportunity to hear Immigration Minister John McCallum’s speech at the Toronto Board of Trade last week. The speech touched on a few different aspects of Canadian immigration policy.
Infrastructure Funding: Canada Needs To Think Big On Investor Immigration
Jim Metcalfe – Director of Immigration: The Government of Canada has acknowledgedthat Canada has an infrastructure funding problem. Our bridges are crumbling, major highways need expansion, commuter rail and subway systems need upgrading and a host of other expensive public works are underfunded.
Your One Stop Shop For Motorcycle Awareness
The sun is shining, there’s asphalt for miles- riding season is finally here. May is Motorcycle Awareness Month and we’re here to make sure all you have to worry about before gearing up is your next adventure. Your Riding Checklist: Check your benefit limits Do you know right now what your insurance benefits are […]
Investor Immigration Overview Part 2 – Quebec Investor Immigration
The Quebec Investor Immigration Program (QIIP) is currently the only passive immigrant investor program in Canada. It has been in operation for the past 30 years.
Investor Immigration Overview – Part 1: What Went Wrong?
This is the first in a three part blog series on the federal and Quebec investor immigration programs. This post looks at the history of the programs and the criticism they are receiving. We will cover some possible fixes for the investor immigration system in the upcoming posts.
Deported Ex-Argo Seeks Immigration To Canada For Medical Care
Canadian and US immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk: One tragic aspect of immigration policy is that sometimes officials have to make life and death decisions involving families. This is the case for a former Toronto Argonauts football player and Canadian permanent resident, Andrew Stewart, who was deported from Canada for criminality 7 years ago. His Canadian wife is now seeking to bring him to Canada for cancer treatment via spousal sponsorship: