What You Didn’t Know About Cycling In The City
Being on two wheels instead of four does not exempt you from the rules of the road. In fact, every ticket a driver can get under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act, a cyclist can get too. Break the rules and risk getting pulled over and, you guessed it, fined. Time to brush up on what you […]
Antigua Citizenship By Investment Program – Changes
The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has approved the following changes to the program:
Canada’s Growing Refugee Crisis
Jim Metcalfe – Pace Immigration: Earlier this year, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale visited Emerson, Manitoba, to look at the border situation there. Migrants – as well as some bona fide refugees – were coming over the US/Manitoba border to claim asylum.
The Ultimate Cottage Guide
What is the ultimate summer relaxation spot? Canadians are choosing the cottage. Sixty-eight per cent of Canadians would rather spend a long weekend lounging at the cottage or cabin over a big city getaway. The premise of a remote cottage visit is to erase everyday worries. But lowered inhibitions can often lead to unexpected dangers. […]
Canadian Immigration Bogged Down With Delays
Klaudios Mustakas – Pace Law Firm: I have had many phone calls in the past few months from people who are faced with the biggest problem in Canadian immigration: delays. It now takes months or years for applications of all kinds to make their way through the Canadian immigration apparatus. Spousal sponsorships, work visas, you name it. All of these people are facing seemingly endless delays. If I could sum it up in one letter to Immigration Minister Hussen, it would look something like this:
How Permanent Is “Permanent Residence” For Refugees?
Pace Immigration Lawyer Andy Semotiuk: Here is an interesting story, especially in light of the large number of Syrian refugees who have settled in Canada over the past year:
Canadian Citizenship Changes Are A Win for All
Rachel Brown – Pace Immigration: Canadian citizenship changes have arrived. The recent announcement by the Government of Canada regarding the long-awaited Bill C-6 is the best immigration news in 2017.
Summer Road Trips
Summer is the perfect time to go on a road trip with your friends or family. Whether you’re staying close to home or travelling afar, there are many things to consider, such a routes, traffic, snacks and insurance. Are you prepared in case you get in an accident? Understand where you are With every border crossed […]
Immigration Scam Targets Employers
Jim Metcalfe – Pace Immigration – The CBC has exposed another immigration scam. This time, scam artists are offering money to employers and, in turn, the employers are supposed to offer a new immigrant a job. Doing this will allow someone to enter the country “legally”:
The Story Of A Brain Injury Survivor
In 1993, Madeleine Welton could go anywhere she wanted and do anything she wanted. Then she was involved in a car accident that changed her life forever. The accident In October, 1993, Madeleine was driving with her two young sons. Next thing she knew, a car drove across three lanes of highway, through a wired […]