Alexander Voudouris is a certified specialist in litigation with Pace Law Firm. Alex obtained a Specialized Honours B.A. from York University and his Law Degree from the University of Windsor while also attending at the University of Detroit Mercy Law School. He also Clerked for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories. Since being called to the Bar in 1991 Alex’s practice has been in the Personal Injury field. For the first 18 years of his practice Alex represented numerous Canadian and American insurance companies including Allstate, Co-operators, Coseco, ING/Intact, RBC, Monnex/TD and Auto Owners (Michigan). For the past 11 years, he have exclusively represented accident victims. Alex has significant trial, arbitration and appeal experience in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, the Divisional Court, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, the License Appeal Tribunal, and the Worker Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal.
Alex has represented clients in a broad range of cases including serious brain injuries, paraplegia, tetraplegia, chronic pain, fatalities, psychiatric and orthopaedic injuries, together with catastrophic impairments as defined in the SABS. Some of his most notable and precedent setting cases include: Opuku v Pal (ONCA) (opened the door to rescind the first 10 years of AB settlements at FSCO); Igbokwe v HB Group (ONCA) (applying the AB settlement regulation to AB Claims advanced in Court); Thornhill v Shadid (OSCJ) (the first decision dealing with Minimum Maintenance Standards under the Municipal Act for snow removal); Leone and State Farm (FSCO Appeal) (requiring FSCO Mediations to occur within 60 days of the Application for Mediation); Parveen and Aviva (FSCO Appeal) (allowing for the rescinding of all FSCO settlements from 2002 – 2012); and for example, Scarlett v Belair (Divisional Court) (the first decision dealing with the MIG). Alex intervened on behalf of OTLA in the Sovereign General and Abyan case involving the constitutional validity of chronic pain being subject to the MIG, and Tomec v Economical before the Court of Appeal for Ontario that established SABS limitation periods were in fact based on discoverability of a cause of action.
Alex lectures extensively, and has written and published numerous articles for the Law Times, Lawyers Weekly/Daily and The Litigator Magazine. He was a regular participant in the FSCO and ADR DRS Counsel Forums, and between 2014 to 2020 was a member of Ontario Trial Lawyers Association’s (OTLA) Board of Directors. In 2015 he was involved with training the new License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) Adjudicators in SABS Law. Alex is a proud member of OTLA, the Canadian Bar Association, The Advocates Society, The Medico-Legal Society of Toronto, The Canadian Society of Medical Evaluators and The American Association For Justice. Alex is a Lexpert ranked Lawyer and has also been designated by the Law Society of Ontario as a Certified Specialist in Civil Litigation.
This case confirms that the doctrine of discoverability applies to income replacement benefit claims under the Insurance Act, preventing insurers from enforcing limitation periods before a claimant is eligible for benefits. It reinforces the need for clear and fair limitations that do not penalize individuals who later become unable to work due to accident-related injuries.
A case that opened the door to rescind the first 10 years of AB settlements as FSCO.
Ontario trial lawyers are applauding a recent decision that allows a more liberal interpretation of accident benefits for their most gravely injured clients.
Call us now or fill out the form to discuss your case with an experienced legal professional.
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Toronto, ON M9C 5K8
Phone: 1-877-236-3060
Fax: 416-236-1809
191 The West Mall, Suite 1100
Toronto, ON M9C 5K8
Phone: 1-877-236-3060
Fax: 416-236-1809
143 Pine Street
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2P1
Phone: 705-444-0031
Fax: 416-236-1809
143 Pine Street
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2P1
Phone: 705-444-0031
Fax: 416-236-1809
136 Main St. South
Kenora, ON P9N 1S9
Phone: 1-807-456-7223
Fax: 416-236-1809
136 Main St. South
Kenora, ON P9N 1S9
Phone: 1-807-456-7223
Fax: 416-236-1809
675 Cochrane Drive, #623A
East Tower, 6th Floor
ON L3R 0B8, Canada
Phone: 1-877-236-3060
Fax: 416-236-1809
675 Cochrane Drive, #623A
East Tower, 6th Floor
ON L3R 0B8, Canada
Phone: 1-877-236-3060
Fax: 416-236-1809