Copilot Early Adopter Program

We are excited to offer access to our new AI tools for early adopters, designed to enhance your work and improve client service. Please complete the Early Adopter Form to help us understand how you plan to use these tools. Your detailed input will ensure that licenses are allocated to those who will benefit most.

Application closes in:


Application for the Copilot Early Adopter Program is closed.

How Does It Work?

Copilot for Microsoft 365 integrates advanced AI into the familiar suite of Microsoft applications, enhancing productivity and streamlining tasks. It assists users by drafting documents, summarizing emails, generating data insights, and automating repetitive tasks across Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. This powerful tool understands natural language commands, enabling users to interact with their applications in a more intuitive and efficient way.


Once your early access to Copilot for Microsoft 365 has been activated, you will seamlessly integrate it into your existing Office 365 suite. To begin using Copilot:

  1. Open any Microsoft 365 application: Launch applications like Word, Excel, Outlook, or PowerPoint as you normally would.
  2. Look for the Copilot Feature: In each application, you’ll notice a new feature labeled ‘Copilot’ in the toolbar or as a sidebar. This is your gateway to utilizing AI functionalities.
  3. Sign In: If prompted, sign in using your Office 365 credentials to activate the Copilot features.
  4. Start Using Copilot: You can start interacting with Copilot by typing natural language commands or queries directly into the feature pane. Copilot can help draft emails, create content, summarize documents, generate data insights, and more, depending on the application you are using.


The integration is designed to be intuitive, with no separate software installation required, ensuring you can begin leveraging the power of AI right within the familiar interfaces of Microsoft 365 tools.

If you encounter any issues or require assistance with the AI tools, our dedicated IT personnel are here to help. You can reach out to them through the following methods:

  1. Internal Help Desk: Submit a ticket via our internal help desk system detailing the issue you’re facing. This is the fastest way to get your problem resolved.
  2. Email Support: You can email our IT support team directly. Please provide a detailed description of the problem and any screenshots if possible.
  3. Phone Support: For immediate assistance, feel free to call our IT support line. Our team is available during business hours to provide real-time help.


Our IT team is well-equipped to handle any issues related to the AI tools, from simple queries to more complex configuration needs.

As you begin exploring the capabilities of our AI tools, focus initially on text-based tasks that are frequent in our legal practice. This includes drafting documents, preparing correspondence, and summarizing case files or legal precedents. Starting with these familiar tasks will help you become comfortable with the AI’s functionality and interface.

As your proficiency grows, it’s common for users to discover innovative ways to integrate AI into their workflow. To maximize the benefits of AI, regularly evaluate your tasks by asking, “Could AI help me complete this more efficiently?” By continually assessing how AI can be applied, you’ll not only enhance your productivity but also potentially transform your approach to daily legal tasks.

Your feedback plays a crucial role in shaping the integration and evolution of AI technologies within our firm. As you use the AI tools, your insights help us understand how they perform in real-world scenarios, highlighting both their strengths and areas needing improvement. This direct input from your daily experiences informs the ongoing refinement of existing tools and guides the development of future AI features, ensuring they are both effective and aligned with the specific needs of our legal practice.

Your feedback contributes to a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, fostering a collaborative environment where technology continually adapiles to support our work more effectively. By sharing your experiences, you not only help enhance our current capabilities but also influence the strategic direction of AI development, ensuring it remains relevant and beneficial across all areas of our operations.

During the initial phase of our AI tool rollout, we are carefully managing the distribution of licenses to ensure a balanced and equitable allocation across all divisions. We aim to provide licenses to those who show a strong potential for effectively integrating AI into their work. If you believe additional team members could significantly benefit from and contribute to this initiative, please share your recommendations with us. We value your input and will consider these suggestions as we expand access and continue enhancing our AI capabilities.

Following the early access period, the rollout of Copilot for Microsoft 365 is structured to ensure a smooth and comprehensive integration across the firm. Here’s a brief overview of the planned schedule:

  1. May 2024: We start by identifying and connecting with early adopters, followed by targeted training and onboarding sessions.
  2. June – July 2024: The official Copilot for Microsoft 365 Early Access (EA) program begins, with collaborations between the AI Steering Team and early adopters to optimize tool usage.
  3. August 2024: We will finalize and communicate the general rollout plan for Copilot to all stakeholders.
  4. September – December 2024: The general rollout commences, extending Copilot access to all intended users within the firm. During this phase, the AI Steering Team will also focus on enhancing productivity and exploring innovative ways to leverage AI to augment our capabilities.

This structured approach ensures that each phase builds upon the last, maximizing the potential for successful AI integration into our daily operations. 

NOTE: This rollout schedule is subject to change based on user feedback and timeline shifting.

Have A Question Before You Apply?